Oct 1, 2024

Hidden Signs of Vision Problems in Children

Oct 1, 2024

Hidden Signs of Vision Problems in Children

As parents, we always want the best for our children. We make sure they eat well, get enough sleep, and stay active. But what about their vision? It can be easy to overlook signs of vision problems in children, especially when they are young and may not be able to communicate their symptoms effectively. In this blog post, we will share some hidden signs of vision problems that you may not have considered before. 

Squinting or rubbing their eyes 

Does your child frequently squint or rub their eyes, especially when trying to see something in the distance or up close? These behaviors can be a sign that they’re experiencing eye strain or difficulty focusing. 

Sitting too close to the TV or holding books too close 

While it’s common for kids to get lost in their favorite TV show or book, consistently sitting too close to the screen or holding books too close could mean they are having trouble seeing things at a distance. This could be a sign of nearsightedness (also known as myopia), which is a condition that makes faraway objects appear blurry. Our eye doctors can catch this issue early on and recommend treatment for myopia control.  

Frequent headaches or eye strain 

If your child complains of headaches after reading or using electronic devices, it could be due to eye strain from focusing too hard to see clearly. Our optometrist can assess their vision and recommend appropriate treatments such as glasses or contact lenses. 

Poor academic performance 

Sometimes, children with undiagnosed vision problems may do poorly in school. If your child struggles with reading comprehension, writing neatly, or following along in class, it could be because they are having trouble seeing the board or reading materials clearly. Addressing their vision issues can ensure they have the clear vision they need to succeed in school.  

Avoiding reading or other close-up activities 

If your child avoids activities that require good vision, like reading, drawing, or playing sports, they might be struggling to see clearly. This can affect their interest and performance in these activities. 

Tilting their head or covering one eye 

Does your child tilt their head or cover one eye while looking at something? This might mean they’re trying to align their eyes to see better or have an issue with depth perception. 

Difficulty with coordination 

Vision problems can make it hard for your child to coordinate their movements. Watch for issues with catching a ball, tying shoelaces, or other activities that need good hand-eye coordination. 

Importance of early eye exams for children 

Regular eye exams are essential for catching and addressing vision problems in children early. Conditions like lazy eye (amblyopia), crossed eyes (strabismus), or needing glasses can often be fixed with early intervention, making sure your child’s vision develops well for learning and everyday activities. 

At Valley Eye Care Associates, we specialize in caring for kids’ eyes and know how to make them feel comfortable and at ease during their exam. We offer pediatric eye exams in Fort Kent for children of all ages. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment if you notice any hidden signs that may indicate your child has vision issues. We’re here to help keep your child’s eyes healthy and their vision clear for a bright future.